Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jesus Calling Devotional Bible (NKJV)

The Jesus Calling Devotional Bible (NKJV), published by Thomas Nelson, was given to me by Booksneeze in exchange for an honest and objective review. This NKJV Bible includes 260 prayers with answers written by Sarah Young (author of Jesus Calling and Jesus Lives) from a first person perspective of Jesus.
I have to admit I was a bit skeptical of anyone writing a first person narrative from Jesus’ perspective. Didn’t Jesus already say everything that was necessary in the Scriptures? I can be a dangerous thing to write using the voice of Jesus because a human cannot know exactly how Jesus would answer another person’s prayers. HOWEVER, I was pleasantly surprised to see that all of Sarah Young’s writings included in this devotional are based on three or more parts of Scripture. Essentially she is just rephrasing what Jesus has already said in a way that relates specifically to our particular time and culture. The truths she bases her ‘answers’ on are biblical.
This book is well made; the cover is very smooth and has a soft feel to it, although it is a hard cover book. The typeface is easy to read and there are highlighted verses that are expanded in lightly colored boxes throughout. There is a helpful topical index as well as a devotional index. I think I will really enjoy using this Bible for years to come.